#source marvel studios


This post right here is technically the 1000th post on this blog, in the way that Tumblr measures it. I was gonna wait until I reached 1000 original posts (excluding asks) to make this announcement, but for a number of reasons, now feels like the right time.

I started this blog in October of 2016, partially as a challenge to myself to see how long I could riff on the same subject, partially as a way to keep active while in an extremely debilitating situation (which I’ve been out of for a couple of years now), and partially just to get a better sense of what being a content creator entails.

Before this blog, I’d made a lot of short-form content over the years, but most of that never even saw the light of day, and what did was always scattered, not centralized like this blog is. This blog has been my first real journey into making content for a specific audience on a specific platform, and it’s been really interesting to see all of the positive and negative feedback that it’s inspired.

I realize this might sound like I’m leading up to “goodbye,” so to clarify, I’m definitelynot. This isn’t me leaving or even me going on a “hiatus.” With any luck, this is actually the start of a new era.

The “catch” that comes with constantly producing short-form content is that I find myself shelving bigger ideas (both for this blog and for other endeavors) in favor of working on more immediately attainable ideas, and to put it plainly, those figurative shelves have gotten really, really full. I find myself wanting to make bigger and better content, and that might mean posting infrequently.

There might be long gaps between posts, but I’m hoping that what I make is worth the wait (I’m gonna be going for a quality-over-quantity-type deal here, in case I haven’t made that clear). I won’t just disappear forever on you guys without letting you know, and your support means a lot, so I hope you’ll stick around.

In the meantime, I’ll still be involved in the community- I love seeing the Paper Mario content you guys create and hearing your thoughts on things- so feel free to keep those anon hate-messages cool and polite asks coming. See you soon.
